Grocery-Pharmacy Company - HEART MIND PROJECT

Grocery-Pharmacy Company

Quality/Safety Grocery-Pharmacy

The VP Pharmacy was concerned with managing incident rates (medication errors). A survey revealed that pharmacists requested information on stress.

Pilot study consisted of 150 pharmacists

Goal #1:

  • Create safer working environments for patients/customers by managing incident rate (medication errors)

Goal #2:

  • Reduce stress and improve quality of life for employees


  Post 90 days
Incident Rate Reduced by 40-71%
(Medication Error Rate)  


Often/most of the time: Pre Post 90 days
Fatigue 50% 18%
Anxiety & Depressed 14% 3%
Anger & Resentment 17% 0%
Stress 62% 28%

Participant Comments:

“100% of participants reported ‘extremely satisfied’ with the HeartMath program.” I am listening to people more, and am having less customer complaints. People are satisfied. When I am getting frustrated I take a quick timeout, and am ready to go. My stress levels have been reduced. I can concentrate better. When I notice I’m hitting a stressor at work I can block it by using the techniques I’ve learned. And I don’t swear at traffic anymore on the way to work. Thank you for providing this training! I am convinced that I will use these techniques forever.

Vacancy & Turnover Rates Methodist Hospital of Dallas

Methodist Hospitals of Dallas

HeartMath helped Methodist Hospitals of Dallas reduce staff stress, and improve relationships, turnover and vacancy rates.
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Employee Health Airline

Airline Industry

A leader in corporate workplace wellness with a track record for lowering healthcare costs. They recognized stress is a critical factor to employee health and performance and contributes to rising health care costs.
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