Silicon Valley Technology Company - HEART MIND PROJECT

Silicon Valley Technology Company

Employee Satisfaction Retention Semi-Conductor

Retaining their high quality engineers was a critical strategy for future growth and developing industry leadership.


The pilot team consisted of engineers and support staff working on the next generation computer chip.

TThe goals were to increase:

  • Productivity
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Employee retention


Almost never/rarely: Pre Post 4 months
Mentally alert 21% 15%
Calm 28% 0%
Satisfied 14% 5%


Often/most of the time: Pre Post 4 months
Exhausted 59% 25%
Energetic 48% 61%
Depressed 17% 0%
Sleeplessness 21% 5%

Workplace Effectiveness:

We are particularly pleased with improvements in the two metrics: ‘Our meetings at work are well organized’ – positive responses increased from 31% to 50% after 4 months; and ‘I feel like leaving this organization,’ which decreased from 28% to 16%.

Resilience/Stress Management Public Transportation

Public Transportation System

This company was undergoing dynamic transformation, dealing with aggressive expansion goals, aging equipment challenges, increasing customer demands and complaints, sensitive labor negotiations and security concerns. Protecting the health of the talent pool was a priority.
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Stress/Wellness Initiative IU Health Bloomington

Bloomington Hospital

Senior leadership at IU Health Bloomington endorsed HeartMath as a wellness initiative – to address and transform the chronic stress employees were experiencing at work and in their lives.
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